Thursday, March 24, 2011

Direct Marketing

            Although this is not a recent piece, I still feel this is a good example of direct marketing. This is an image of the semiannual Rightstuf, Inc. catalog that is sent out to consumers that shop online at is an online anime super store that carries a wide range of anime merchandise. This form of direct marketing did capture my attention due to my specific interest in anime products. This catalog did reach me as a consumer because I continue to shop at the online store.

            Rightstuf selectively sends out its quarterly catalog only to consumers that enroll into the sites membership program. Consumers are likely to sign up for the program to receive discounts on items from the Web site. If a consumer does not sign up, the company simply does not send him/her a catalog, saving the company time and money.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Outdoor Advertising

I believe that outdoor advertising has seen an increase in expenditures as it is the most accessible form of advertising that a company’s target market can be exposed to. Also, this type of advertising method has experienced the most significant change due to advertiser creativity. From mobile billboards, to street furniture, to transit advertising at train or subway stations or platforms and airline terminals.

Some factors that could have led to outdoor advertising growth include changes in technology, society, and rising costs of television advertising. The advancements in technology have created new forms of transportation, along with new forms of advertisement, for example the use of electronic billboards. Another factor could be changing female role in society. The increased number of women in the work force, as they can be reached on their way to work more easily than at home. The ad on the right has an image of a woman promoting an upcoming event. This ad is targeting the female audience and reflects the changing society that it has gone through in regards to women’s roles as I mentioned earlier.

The rising cost of TV advertising has forced advertisers to get creative and find other forms of advertisement that are less expensive such as the use of outdoor media. Take for example this outdoor display that a local trucking company is using to promote its company. By placing the larger machinery products along the side of the entrance to the highway, the lineup of machinery is gaining the attention of potential customers that pass by it.

Even advertising agencies are advertising to their target market.